Equatorial Guinea has an exceptional body of heritage, ranging from the vernacular to the modern movement.
As a whole, it remains undervalued by the national and international community, basically due to its low profile and the need to carry out more public actions to increase its appreciation. The country’s heritage, like its culture, is diverse, and it is this diversity, created by the coming together and materialization of the different cultures that exist there, that makes it exceptional.
Equatorial Guinea is undergoing a major social and economic transformation. Due to the speed at which it is happening place, this transformation, which aims to improve the living conditions of its population, also calls for the mutation of its historic and heritage legacy.
To ensure that economic growth and increased appreciation of the country’s culture and heritage legacy go hand in hand, in accordance with the recommendations of international world heritage bodies, all of the actions involved in the project will follow the guidelines of the Paris Declaration on Heritage as a Driver of Sustainable Development and the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape signed by the Unesco in 20.